I got a call from my agent saying that a new client wanted to use me as the face of their new plus-size line of bathing suits for a major swim brand. This brand has been in the biz for quite some time and their sister company is launching a new site and needed a plus gal to do catalog work for their line. I took the trip to Pennsylvania with a huge smile on my face knowing this was kinda really cool. First of all, how cool is it that a line wanted to even shoot a plus model for their plus line (a lot of brands will sell plus but not necessarily shoot plus models/catalogs) and second, how cool is it that they chose a fuller plus gal? I'm a full size 18, y'all (which is NOT the go-to size when clients choose plus models for swimwear). So...this was a big win for the industry and for beautiful curvy ladies all around the world who need to see someone just like them when purchasing suits for the summer. Can't wait to share when it drops. MUCH love.
Hey boo-thangs! Just wanted to share some random recent snapshots! In order from left to right: A snapshot of me and my friend Ty at Fashion Week, a snapshot of me in Matthew Cherry's new web-series Almost 30 (I learned so much while shooting it in LA!), a few shots from the Rip The Runway viewing party and the most amazing view of Times Square I thought I would never see (especially at an audition). I also wanted to add a recent shot of me in the gym this past week as some form of inspiration to anyone who needs a boost. I workout to clear my mind and to keep my heart happy (both emotionally and physically) and I think any bit helps. Just remember even a small step is a step in the right direction. Happy March loves! (no more Mercury retrograde until June-PHEW!)
Hello beautiful people! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update the blog! I tend to default to my Instagram (which I LOVE and you can follow me at: MsTiffanyBank), Facebook and Twitter so please pardon my delay on the updates!! Where do I start? Fashion Week is a good place to start! Fashion weekI came back from LA just in time to attend New York Fashion Week and I got the opportunity to sit front row in a few awesome shows that included some friends of mine who modeled in them! I even got to see my girl Lil Kim work the runway and model icon Janice Dickinson! One of these days Ill get to strut on a NYFW runway! I'm claiming it! Maybe it will happen in September?? ;) my volup2 magazine editorialSooo if you read any interview of mine during my time on BIG SEXY you'll know that my biggest inspiration to start modeling was my friend/mentor Velvet D'Amour. If it weren't for her I'm not sure I would have had the confidence to even contemplate modeling. Over the course of 6 years she's stood by my side and has been a shoulder to lean on when I needed support. This past September I was able to go to Paris to shoot with her for her own magazine, Volup2! She shot the editorial and it definitely was a full-circle moment for me in my career. I'm so thankful for the opporutnity and couldn't believe I was able to actually model for Velvet herself 6 years later. Isn't that amazing? I can't show you the full editorial but here are a couple snapshots! I hope you love. It debuted on Valentines Day which was the perfect way to celebrate the holiday for me. ;) To purchase your copy please visit the site here. back at columbia!I'm just one of those lucky girls who got a dream opportunity to speak at Columiba University last year and then got asked to speak again this year for their Body Wellness Week at Barnard College, Columbia's women's college. According to the women's wellness department it was the most attended event of their Body Wellness week and was well-received by the students. What was even more amazing is that a couple alumni from my talk last year showed up along with friends and a few Instagram supporters of mine. It truly was a magical night filled with deep conversation about body image, sexuality, the fashion industry and, of course, it was filled with lots of laughs. Thank you Barnard for having me back! bet's rip the runwayHow cool is it that BET asked me back to model for them for their yearly runway show, Rip The Runway, which merges fashion with music?! I was super stoked to be casted and got to work with some AMAZING models and friends yet again this year. It's always a fun time backstage at Rip The Runway and I got the chance to get interviewed by Atlanta Housewife Kenya Moore (watch it here). I also got to model a wrap dress by Igigi and walk alongside yummy R&B artist Omarion! The hosts this year, Kelly Rowland and Boris Kodjoe, did an awesome job! If you missed me rip the runway with my Size Sexy girls you can check it out by clicking the photo below! love from germany!Shout-out to SixxTv in Germany for playing my show BIG SEXY! And thank you to the fans who sent fan mail and love via my Facebook Fan Page! Muchhhhh love to you! Feature in SkorchThank you Skorch Magazine for featuring me in their #HonorMyCurves feature this month! This is why I love Instagram and the plus positive community there! You can check out the feature here! It's been an awesome couple month's and I'm just getting started! I can't wait to see what else is in store for 2013 and I'm so ready for the journey! Thank you again for all your amazing support and love!!!
Hey hey hey! Here are a few snapshots of my upcoming catalog work with Sealed With A Kiss Designs! I looooove their designs! So classic and comfortable Special hugs and love to the team at SWAK for the awesome experience!
I always said I would work with Oprah one day and, well, the day hasn't come yet! *tee-hee* But Navabi Fashion named me (and my girl Oprah) one of 10 Curvy Women To Follow On Instagram! Maaaan I'm in some really yummy company!! I'm so flattered and, hey, in case you want to join in on the fun follow me on Instagram at MsTiffanyBank ;) Thanks Navabi!! This is awesome.
Hi loves! I hope that your new year is going grand! I just wanted to give you an update on what I've been up to here in Los Angeles! Its been such a great trip! I got to reunite with my LA loves at The Curvy Fashionista's Blog Anniversary Party which was SO much fun. The whole night was super glam and I'm so glad I got to catch up with my LA loves and my west coast Plus Model Magazine team!
Last week I hosted the launch of Curvy Girls Who Brunch in LA, a brunch series started by my friend and LA publicist Lana Leazer, sponsored by my fave plus lingerie line Hips and Curves! Over 40 curvy girls showed up to the event, including my girl Chenese Lewis, blogger/stylist Marcy Guevara, my plus model gals Danielle Line and Michelle Renee! The day was beautiful and it gave the plus community a space to network, ask questions, get connected and unwind! I even got to meet some of my BIG SEXY fans! Keep checking the Curvy Girls Who Brunch fan page to see when and where the next event will be! And just yesterday I shot with Sealed With A Kiss Designs Boutique for their upcoming Spring catalog! I love their line because they have comfortable basics that you can dress up or down and they fit really well! I can't wait for you to see the final product! So far, this trip has been quite the success and I'm so looking forward to what 2013 has up it's sleeves. I appreciate every moment of these experiences and I honestly can't tell you how much fun it is to do what you love. Keep going loves...the dream is real! This year was, without a doubt, a year FULL of gifts (triumphs, challenges, lessons, and all). I wanted to share some of my top fave moments of 2012. It was, indeed, a blessed one. My 2012 Highlights include: Modeling Monif C. Designs for BET's Rip The Runway with the yummy Robin Thicke, filming NBC's 30 Rock, speaking at Barnard College in addition to signing on as a consultant for Columbia University, and hosting an event at Alex & Ani in Soho, NYC... Joining a panel for New Jersey Full-Figured Fashion Week, landing my first ever print cover including a 7-page editorial for the Beaute Book magazine, shooting a beautiful campaign for My Girlfriends Closet Boutique with recording artist Briana Collette, radio personality Angela Yee, psychologist Dr. Robi Ludwig and international model Carissa Rosario, and being chosen as Vibe Magazine's Vibe Vixen... Shooting an editorial for Pose Magazine, being honored in Plus Model Magazines IAMPlus feature, shooting a campaign for 2013 with my 2 best girls, shooting my promo video for my site, booking my 2nd My Girlfriend's Closet Boutique campaign and being the first ever plus size model featured in Kontrol Magazine (currently at Barnes&Noble)... Having the pleasure of shooting with some of my fave dream photographers including Allen Cooley, Toni Smailagic, Dallas Logan, Inez Lewis, and Gregory Prescott... My travels! I went to London and attended London Fashion Week, went to Paris and shot an editorial with my mentor Velvet D'Amour, saw good friends and family in Belgium and took a special solo trip to Barcelona... Overall, the places I was able to see, the people I was able to meet and spend it with, the special events I was able to attend and celebrating 6 years in NYC pursuing my dreams has been the highlight. I run so fast that I rarely stop myself to look at where I've been and I'm so thankful at the opportunities I've received. I'm looking forward to what 2013 has in store for all of us. I'm one day stronger and my heart and mind are open to the journey ahead. Wishing you a safe, happy and healthy year...let go and let God. xo
My perfect world is a place where all sizes, shapes, ages and backgrounds are represented in the mainstream and there was no "us vs them" mentality. Ideally any commercial, billboard, or magazine would have all types so that the younger generation wouldn't be able to define insecurity. As a size 18 woman I want to be included into the mainstream's infrastructure and I'm honored that Kontrol Magazine took a chance on me and chose me as their first ever plus size model to have an editorial in their magazine. We are on step closer...and I couldn't be more thrilled! You can purchase the magazine at any Barnes and Noble nationwide with Elle Varner and Tamar Braxton on the cover. Special thanks to the team! Julian, Jeremy, Allen, Cynthia and Chris!
instagram: mstiffanybankBoos! Follow me on Instagram where I share pics from modeling and everyday sillyness that I dont usually post on Twitter or Facebook! Thanks so much for the support! Big squishy hugssss xo
Did you loves know that I am a monthly features contributor to Plus Model Magazine? I search far and wide for aspiring/up and coming plus models and give them an opportunity to introduce themselves to the world via the mag! Some of my girls have gone on to getting signed at major modeling agencies! My job doesn't suck ;) Check out the latest issue and my interview with the gorgeous Katherine at plusmodelmag.com!
MeThe NYC life of a Cali girl. Archives
April 2014